18 September 2013

Announcement - ITV's Catchphrase and Another AuTheatre Review

I have a few announcements, which I want to put out there before I forget this morning (one cup of coffee is not enough - please feel free to nourish me via liquid caffeine):

ITV's Catchphrase

I attended a recording of Catchphrase on 16th Sept, over at the ITV London Studios. They were filming an episode for part of their second series, since the programme has made a massive comeback in popularity. I'm not sure of the exact air date of the episode - but, while not to give anything away, one of the contestants refers to Zumba, and another has a son named Dexter.

You will, I hope, see me in a large (and fabulous) purple jacket in the 4th row, close to the left side from the viewpoint of the screen.

I might pop up elsewhere. If I said when, that'd spoil the magic, wouldn't it?

AuTheatre Review

I had the privilege (and the luck) to have seen The Lightning Child over at the Globe on Sunday, and last night. This show, this musical, will be my next AuTheatre review. I hope to finish it within the next two days, at the very latest, the end of the weekend.

Part of the review will include the contrast in seeing/hearing the material from the yard, and from a seat.

There are a few more shows that I might consider making an AuTheatre review for. I will be seeing Taming of the Shrew over at the Rose Theatre tonight with my Shakespeare in London class. I also won two tickets to Brief: A Second Coming for tomorrow night over at London Wonderground.

Whether or not TOTS and BASC will be reviewed will solely rely on time and energy, as I am also continuing making preparations for my birthday trip to Scotland at the end of the month, as well as staying on task with my courses.

Til next time, lovelies!


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